But the express train is attracting other black hats, too, who are all after a ... Still shining like a priceless artifact, Steven Spielberg's Raiders of the Lost Ark stirs the imagination like ...
Steven Spielberg. While far from his best work, Ready Player One is worth going back to for no other reason than it proves that Spielberg is still the undisputed master of the blockbuster form.
The name Steven Spielberg is more synonymous with movies and the cinema than arguably any other director's name. Few filmmakers have given us so many classics, ranging from films we absorbed in ...
Downtown Huntington was transformed into a movie set on Tuesday as director Steven Spielberg filmed inside ... wrestling gear and American flag hats mingled at the entrance to The Paramount.
TUCKAHOE, N.J. (WPVI) -- It's all the buzz in Tuckahoe and Woodbine, New Jersey: Steven Spielberg is shooting his next big movie in the small town. State troopers blocked off roads that led to the ...
Hollywood hit South Jersey Monday afternoon as Steven Spielberg visited Tuckahoe to film scenes for a new project. Residents said they weren't able to see much and they don't know what the movie ...
As filming rolls on for Steven Spielberg’s latest movie in New Jersey ... no filters, sunglasses or hats.
an effort aimed at making up for disruptions in town associated with a Hollywood production by director Steven Spielberg. On Friday, Supervisor Ed Smyth announced parking lot closures and on ...
Who's up for driving to the Catskills to participate in a Steven Spielberg movie? According to a Facebook post on the New Rochelle Council on the Arts, Grant Wilfley Casting, Inc. is seeking ...