En polisman hade sex med en journalist – i en polisbil – i polishusets garage. Allt avslöjades när poliskollegorna såg att bilen ”gungade i sidled”. – Att ha sex i baksätet i bilen var svårt, säger ...
Den tjocka röken stoppade de första poliserna på plats. Skytten försvann in i lokalerna. Nu utreder polisen om Rickard Andersson, 35, beställt rökgranater, rapporterar Ekot. – Det kan säkert stämma, s ...
The Ministry of Interior has issued a circular to ban police officers from appearing in public places in their police uniforms These public places include markets, shopping malls, cooperative ...
Hari Mann, who wore a fake police uniform and fired blank rounds during an incident which forced the evacuation of nearby properties in Braunstone Town, near Leicester, has been jailed for three ...
A gunman who wore a fake police uniform and fired blank rounds during an incident which forced the evacuation of nearby properties has been jailed for three years. Hari Mann, who also pointed a ...
West Yorkshire Police said both were wearing school uniform when they vanished, in posts on X today. A spokesperson for the force confirmed to The Sun that both boys have now been located.