Eight witnesses from the prosecution took the stand Monday, including several people injured in the crash, and law ...
Marshella Chidester, the suspect charged with killing two children when she crashed into the Swan Boat Club last spring, ...
The mother of the two children killed in the Swan Boat Club crash took to the stand Tuesday to discuss the moment she learned ...
A woman on trial for the deadly Swan Boat Club crash last April in Monroe County, Michigan, has been found guilty on all charges.
The trial for Marshella Chidester, the woman charged in the Swan Boat Club crash that killed 2 kids last year, will resume on ...
On the first day of the trial against Marshella Chidester, jurors heard opening statements and testimonies, including witnesses who were at the boat club when the crash happened.
Marshella Chidester, 67, is facing second-degree murder, other charges in the April 20 crash that killed Zayn Phillips, 4, and Alanah Phillips, 8.