The 19th-century English poet was a "prolific reviser" who tested out many variations of his work before publication. A new ...
Bais Rivkah High School student Bryna Sudak won a schoolwide competition with a spoken-word poem called 'Flames,' explaining the Chassidic concept of faith in Hashem during pain. Watch her moving and ...
These collections by Juliana Spahr, Mai Der Vang, Hasib Hourani and Martín Espada invite us to rethink the relentless accumulation of history.
Tania León, the recipient of the Northwestern University’s Nemmers Prize, reflected on her life as a refugee, her career as a ...
Scholars debate whether the Gospel stories preserve ancient memories or are just Greek literature in disguise. But there’s a ...
From a transcendent pianist to the Oakland Gay Men’s Chorus to a night at the movies with Symphony San Jose, there are a lot ...
From a transcendent pianist to the Oakland Gay Men’s Chorus to a night at the movies with Symphony San Jose, there are a lot ...
Completing a residency at Northwestern as the recipient of the university’s Nemmers Prize—given to people who have made lasting ... writing poetry, expressing instead of words, but expressing ...
This is the magic, a universal expression, made ... words that he lifted from Latin poets, Greek heroes, Keats whom he especially loved, Virgil, Homer and myths like Leda and the Swan.
A checkered Harlequin, perhaps; even a faded Pierrot. But not a chameleon. The title of Robert Dessaix’s “memoir of art, ...
From social media to AI, new technologies have changed the way that we produce and consume poetry. For World Poetry Day, we ...