A teen accused of spraying hateful messages and connected to dozens of destruction of property incidents in Fairfax County ...
FAIRFAX, Va. — Members of the Burke Presbyterian church are spreading a message of love after a teen vandalized their property with hateful comments.
Opens in a new tab or window Share on Bluesky ... Those fiery critics refer to the top refined vegetable oils as "the hateful eight" and claim that they're fueling inflammation and high rates ...
ICE pulled over Bernandino Randa Marinas on his way to work in Chicago. After handing his ID to an ICE agent, Bernandino was ordered to keep his hands on the steering wheel of his car and not to move.
Below, we've put together an expertly curated selection of some of the most exciting, compelling, emotional and funny movies ...
The White House claims to support free speech. But it is violating First Amendment rights.
The U.K. Christian right is increasingly drawing on a U.S.-forged playbook. It is also drawing on U.S. money. But the U.K.
A new report has revealed some of the most dubious grants handed out by Canberra bureaucrats - from $900,000 for "anti-racist ...
Spray-painted vandalism was reported at a Hindu temple in Chino Hills on Saturday morning, March 8. At around 9:15 a.m ... “Saddened to hear about this act of hateful vandalism.