Angela Knight, library media specialist at Harrison Elementary, wrote the forward for the new book. She was also awarded SPS ...
The Wondrous Tale of Joey Ramone will be released on June 27th. Joey Ramone Is Subject of New Children’s Book Gabba Gabba We ...
With titles ranging from “Esli’s Big Attitude,” to “Runaway Robot," the storylines of these teen-written children's books ...
Four Color Fantasies and Literacy Volunteers Area are encouraging area residents to judge books by their covers.
Here & Now 's Deepa Fernandes speaks with actor, activist and author Sheetal Sheth about " Anjali Can! ," the latest release ...
Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who has faced intense scrutiny since joining the court, says she will make the judicial process ...
Kelly Kaschula’s enchanting narratives are set to inspire not just children, but adults too. As she prepares to release her ...
According to family, on Friday afternoon Kourtni Smith passed away in hospice surrounded by family in Virginia.
According to family, on Friday afternoon Kourtni Smith passed away in hospice surrounded by family in Virginia.
It’s time for summer reading lists, reading programs, and reading challenges! Get your kids, ages 5 to 18, reading with ...
Phyllis Schwartz. Courtesy photo Encinitas mother Phyllis Schwartz recently unveiled her third children’s book, “Laggie and Grillo: An Unlikely ...
The new book Memory Lane convincingly demonstrates how memories are like Lego buildings that are constantly being rebuilt.