The previously unmarked grave of an Edinburgh man of the 1st (Royal) Dragoons has now been identified and marked more than a ...
Carton de Wiart died in 1963 at the age of 83, but his exploits have inspired generations of service members in the United ...
The metal detectorist who made the incredible discovery was able to trace the badge back to a man who lived in Grimsby ...
Bearley resident Derek Bull, 72, finds he can count Shakespeare and Lady Diana as distant relations as he traces his ancestry ...
Fuerst Otto von Bismarck tried to keep peace in Europe a war-torn continent . He used secret diplomacy to ensure European ...
As the world's glaciers melt they are revealing thousands of incredible ancient artefacts, but can you tell what they are?
The last conscription in the UK was more than eight decades ago during World War 2 and, like back then, certain call-up ...
Artist Lindsey Kirk at her exhibition at the Army Museum in Waiouru, 2023-2024, will exhibit similar works at the Jack Morgan Museum from this weekend. Before they were soldiers, they were farmers ...
It was thanks to former WWI pilot Tommy Hitchcock that the P-51 entered U.S service — and changed the skies over Europe ...