Carton de Wiart died in 1963 at the age of 83, but his exploits have inspired generations of service members in the United ...
The British generals staged a massive artillery bombardment and sent 100,000 men over the top to take the German trenches. They were confident of victory. But the British soldiers were unable to ...
German defensive trenches at Bullecourt ... British munitions factories produced over 170 million artillery shells during WW1. As trenches were very good at defending soldiers from the direct ...
Known as “war tubas” or “sound trumpets,” the US employed these to detect enemy warplanes and artillery from a distance ... Capable of attacking German supply depots, this was the first ...
Like most mornings throughout her life of 80 years, Annie Jarvis awakened at 5 a.m. sharp, put on a pot of strong coffee, and ...
WILL FORSTER, the MP for Woking, recently visited Ukraine as part of a cross-party delegation. Here, he offers an in-depth ...
Discuss the accuracy of this statement with reference to either WW1 or WW2. You are expected to make effective ... I found that I was to take 9 men and rush the MG post discovered the other night … ...
The study, published last week by Aston University researchers in the journal i-Perception, recreated one of the few solid ...
Three goals are being pursued with Germany’s massive rearmament offensive: Breaking free from military dependence on the US, ...