Korra only lost fights to build up the suspense and drive some dark plot points; otherwise, she won nearly every battle.
Each Avatar has a few unique abilities or preferences to make them stand out in the millennia-long cycle, including some key ...
Zaheer, the leader of the Red Lotus and the main antagonist of Book 3, tortured Korra. The organization he led was the antithesis of the Order of the White Lotus, led by Iroh. Although she ...
The show’s third season pitted Korra against the Red Lotus, led by Zaheer. Zaheer was a re-awakened airbender following the Harmonic Convergence and used his powers to enforce his anarchistic ...
After Korra’s battle with Zaheer at the end of Book Three, it took her three years to recover. Hence the big time jump heading into Book Four - which now looks to bring the epic journey full circle.