James was a colorful character among the Twelve Disciples. He had a temperamental character and, at times, overreacted in ...
The Bible is filled with stories of people who ... James and John, the sons of Zebedee, also abandoned their fishing nets to walk in Jesus’ footsteps (Mark 1:19-20). These men all followed ...
The Book of Revelation is one of the most awe-inspiring books in the New Testament, with scenes of cosmic conflict and ...
Many Bible scholars consider this chapter to be an “appendix ... John 19:26, and 21:7). John was the son of Zebedee and the brother of James. John was the last surviving disciple. He was an old man ...
The gospel of John is dramatically different than the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke). Instead of organizing historical events into a chronology, John presents Jesus in all of his ...
He took along Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to feel sorrow and distress. Then he said to them, "My soul is sorrowful even to death. Remain here and keep watch with me." He advanced ...