"I've been seriously considering moving to Peru if they deport her, nothing is for certain yet, but it is in the back of my mind," Bradley Bartell said.
Bradley Bartell witnessed his Peruvian wife, Camila Muñoz’s arrest when they returned from their honeymoon to Puerto Rico in ...
Bradley Bartell and Camila Muñoz were on their way back from honeymooning in Puerto Rico when Muñoz was detained.
ICE's deportation actions signal that anyone who isn't a U.S. citizen is 'at risk – period,' immigration attorney says.
A Trump supporter is considering moving to Peru after ICE detained his wife, an undocumented immigrant, while they were ...
A Trump voter whose wife was detained by federal immigration agents apparently still does not regret siding with MAGA in ...
"I don't regret the vote," Bradley Bartell said after his wife was detained by ICE as they returned home from their honeymoon.
Bradley Bartell, a Wisconsin man who expressed his unwavering support for President Donald Trump, encountered a personal crisis when his wife, Camila Muñoz, was detained by Immigration and Customs ...
Bradley Bartell and Camila Muñoz, both Wisconsin residents, were flying back from their honeymoon in Puerto Rico when Muñoz was detained.
In a climate of heightened immigration enforcement, personal stories emerge that illustrate the complex interplay between love, hope, and the laws governing immigrat ...
Bradley Bartell, aTrump supporter whose wife has been detained by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, is telling ...
Bradley Bartel continues to support Trump's immigration policies despite his Peruvian wife, Camila Munoz, being arrested for ...