For learners of German from language levels B2 and C1 (of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), we recommend the following works of contemporary German-language literature in the ...
Are you part of an emerging or women-led cultural or artistic group, initiative, or project and all you are missing is a space in Amman? Do you envision transforming an abandoned space in Amman to ...
The digital exams are carried out in the exam centre on laptops with a German keyboard provided by the institute. On the laptops, exam participants complete the modules reading, writing and listening ...
Ideal if you'd like to ... study or conduct research in Germany teach at a school in Germany prove that you have successfully reached level C2 be issued with an official and internationally recognized ...
My name is Tanja Howarth, and I am a literary agent based here in the UK. I have spent my working life promoting a dynamic range of German language books for translation into English. I have helped to ...
The Goethe-Institut has offices in Melbourne and in Sydney: the Goethe-Institut Melbourne opened in 1972 and the Goethe-Institut Sydney was founded in 1974. Each year, approximately 1,000 participants ...
Ideal if you'd like to ... attend a preparatory course (Studienkolleg) to qualify for admission to university in Germany live and work in Germany prove that you have successfully reached level B1 be ...
How are countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Ukraine tackling misinformation? Experts from different regions presented innovative solutions at the NECE Festival 2024 in Tirana. During a ...
Für die Ukraine ist Kultur ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Resilienz, Identität und des Überlebens. Bei der diesjährigen Leipziger Buchmesse vom 27. bis 30. März präsentiert das Goethe-Institut in Zu ...
Wie verändert Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) Kunst und Kultur? Auf der Leipziger Buchmesse diskutieren hierzu Gesche Joost, Präsidentin des Goethe-Instituts, Katharina Uppenbrink, Geschäftsführerin der I ...
Das Goethe-Institut betont die zentrale Rolle der Auswärtigen Kultur- und Bildungspolitik (AKBP) angesichts zahlreicher neuer globaler Herausforderungen. Mit zukunftsweisenden Kernthemen wirbt die ...
Das Goethe-Institut bringt die deutsche Sprache in die Welt. In über 90 Ländern bieten wir Deutschkurse und Deutschprüfungen an.