Tariffs are a tool, you see, like a butcher knife, harpoon and an alligator all rolled into one glorious U.S. army knife.
Like a butcher knife or a harpoon, or … or an alligator. You just need more education on the subject.” How Homer thinks about guns is not all that dissimilar to how Donald Trump thinks about ...
Like a butcher knife or a harpoon, or ... or an alligator. You just need more education on the subject.” How Homer thinks about guns is not all that dissimilar to how Donald Trump thinks about ...
Like a butcher knife or a harpoon, or … or an alligator. You just need more education on the subject.” How Homer thinks about guns is not all that dissimilar to how Donald Trump thinks about ...
Like a butcher knife or a harpoon, or ... or an alligator. You just need more education on the subject.” How Homer thinks about guns is not all that dissimilar to how Donald Trump thinks about ...