Single Mutation in H5N1 Influenza Surface Protein Could Enable Easier Human Infection Dec. 6, 2024 — A single modification in the protein found on the surface of the highly pathogenic avian ...
Avian influenza (AI) continues to kill large numbers of migratory birds in eastern Pennsylvania as state officials have looked to slow the virus through organized shooting efforts. The Game ...
The first case of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in a commercial poultry operation in Georgia has been confirmed, leading to the suspension of all in-state poultry events. A 6.2-mile ...
The Connecticut Department of Agriculture confirmed the presence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1, commonly known as bird flu, in a flock of chickens, ducks and peacocks on Jan. 15.
Public health staff working on avian flu outbreaks Seasonal flu cases remain high nationwide, making it essential to distinguish between standard influenza and avian influenza quickly. Most ...
“In addition to working closely with USDA APHIS, VDACS is collaborating with the Maryland Department of Agriculture and the Delaware Department of Agriculture in a unified command structure to respond ...
Very low levels of H5 avian influenza, or bird flu, have been detected in wastewater samples collected at the Līhuʻe Wastewater Treatment Plant on Kauaʻi. A detection in a sample collected on Dec. 11 ...
The influenza activity map shows 43 jursidictions with high or very high activity, including Kentucky. More than 37,000 patients were admitted to the hospital due to the flu during the week ending ...
The influenza activity map shows 43 jursidictions with high or very high activity, including Indiana. More than 37,000 patients were admitted to the hospital due to the flu during the week ending ...
Since early 2024, the country has recorded 66 cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza caused by H5N1. Farm workers who caught the virus from infected cattle or poultry make up most cases.
The advisory reflects increasing concern about the widening outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza that is sickening more people and animals in the United States and Canada. Earlier this month ...
CAROLINE CO., MD - The Maryland Department of Agriculture has announced another detection of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza, or bird flu, in a Caroline County commercial broiler flock.