The sci-fi psychological horror movie is a living, breathing masterpiece—which isn't to say that it's not also one of the most stomach-churning films I've ever seen.
A new wave of spiritual tourism is reshaping sacred ayahuasca practises in Peru ...
Ayahuasca, a traditional Amazonian brew known for its psychedelic effects, appears to enhance certain aspects of memory, ...
Steve Jobs experimented with LSD. Bill Gates dropped acid on occasion. Ayahuasca, a psychedelic drug that induces mind-boggling hallucinations, is Silicon Valley's latest infatuation. Tim Ferriss ...
Growing numbers of tourists are travelling to the Peruvian Amazon to drink ayahuasca, a traditional plant medicine said to bring about a higher state of consciousness. Foreigners come looking for ...
Consider it ayahuasca lite. “I was genuinely in such a state of bliss the whole time.” “It’s not like any drug I’ve ever taken,” said Kat Ho, who started leading cacao ceremonies in ...
It contained “la medicina,” a syrupy brown decoction of chacruna leaves and ayahuasca vines boiled down for two days and then decanted into old water bottles. At the start of the ceremony ...
Religious studies instructor Larissa Carneiro has followed her romantic and academic heart to Durham and then back to Brazil to study the ayahuasca-embracing Church of Santo Daime, “Saint Give Me” “To ...