You’ve seen the play, now read the book.” The ad, plastered on taxis, was for the Broadway play The Book of Mormon.
As historian Kenneth King observed: “Sempele’s tact and fluency in Maasai, Kikuyu and Kiswahili seems to have been the ...
Justin Bieber shared a new carousel of photos on Instagram that included what looks like a photo of his son, Jack Blues ...
Remember singing these words in Sunday school or Vacation Bible School: “Jesus loves the little children; ALL the children of ...
“ Severance ” can only provide part of an answer since Mark, played by Adam Scott, is two men in one body. Both exist for the ...
Jesus was not a white European-looking man, God has no problem with interracial marriage, and Latter-day Saints should ...
As hand-picked travel teams become the norm, the poor are left out. If sport presents us with an opportunity for solidarity, ...
The defendant’s attack, motivated by race and color, instilled fear in not only the mostly Black congregants of the church, ...
How long can democracy survive under Trump’s iron grip? Welcome to the new Confederate States of America. Much like the old ...
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Bible study at church, we are moving slowly but steadily through the Gospel of John. It’s a book I’ve read multiple times over the years, but as ...
Mark Twain said it’s not the parts of the Bible he doesn’t understand that bother him; it’s the parts he does understand.