Mumbai: The University of Mumbai on Tuesday achieved a major scientific breakthrough with the launch of India’s first fully operational Carbon Dating Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) facility.
In the streets of Anyama, children play and braziers smoke on corners. There is little to show that the ground of this ...
Researchers have uncovered evidence that European hunter-gatherers came into contact with North Africans as early as 8,500 ...
The ISIS Neutron and Muon Source has presented three early-career researchers with its first ISIS Springboard Awards including Jennifer Johnstone-Hack from the School of Chemical, Materials and ...
Biological techniques are methods or procedures that are used to study living things. They include experimental and computational methods, approaches, protocols and tools for biological research ...
Despite a growth in research over the past 15 years, here "archaeology is a science that is slow in publishing findings ...
The "hugely significant" discovery in a forest in Derbyshire is thought to date back 3,700 years. The "exciting" artefact - used to cut peat and moss - was found during excavation work in ...
Archaeology is the study of the artefacts and other physical evidence left by past societies of humans and closely related species. It uses scientific analysis of field samples to inform ...
Few plants are more celebrated in Egyptian mythology than the blue lotus, a stunning water lily that stars in some of archaeology's most significant discoveries. Researchers found its petals ...
The Tomb of Nestor’s Cup One of the most significant aspects of the research concerns the famous Tomb of Nestor's Cup, one of the most iconic burials of Pithekoussai and Mediterranean archaeology, ...
"It is important to note that our results only show biological sex identification ... is a staff writer at Live Science with a focus on archaeology and paleoanthropology news.
An archaeology breakthrough has discovered that humans inhabited rainforests around 150,000 years ago, a staggering 80,000 years earlier than previously believed. This revelation comes from an ...