What initially seems like purely psychological trouble may indeed have roots in physical conditions that, once identified, ...
CVD indicates cardiovascular disease; HDL, high-density lipoprotein ... The present review article will discuss to what extent the individual variation in regional body fat distribution is one of the ...
Typical carriers include fleas, mites, and lice. Although the disease is more common in underdeveloped areas, it can be found all over the world. Symptoms can include high fever, chills, body aches, ...
Cancer is not a standalone medical diagnosis. It is a complex disease that has physical, mental, and emotional implications. The theme 'United by Unique' (for World Cancer Day) highlights that ...
Because children play so closely together and often in large groups, lice can easily travel from child to child, especially when they touch heads while playing or talking. The Centers for Disease ...
Most importantly, understand that kids don't have to be sent home from school just because they have nits or even live lice. Their parents should simply be notified so that they can be treated after ...
But beyond her contagious smile and professionalism, it was also a personal fight against Lewy body disease that marked the end of her life. Lewy body disease is a neurodegenerative condition that ...
little comparable information is available on how body mass index (BMI) impacts health expectancy. We examined associations of BMI with healthy and chronic disease-free life expectancy in four ...