A scholar of Buddhism explains authentic ways to engage deeply with the tradition, ranging from short meditation retreats to full ordination as a monastic.
A COMPARISON OF BUDDHIST AND WESTERN PHILOSOPHY’ Prof. Asoka Amaratunga is well known to the readers of The Island by his ...
Nalanda contributed to the development and evolution of two major Mahayana Buddhist philosophies — Madhyamaka and Yogacara, Abhay K writes in his book, 'Nalanda: How it Changed the World'. Excerpts: ...
One time when I was driving her home, we stopped for a cup of coffee and sat there and talked for, I don’t know, probably six hours. This coffee shop on a span over the Tri-State Tollway, I don’t even ...
We're now six episodes into series three of The White Lotus and Mike White is yet to disappoint. We've had Jason Isaacs ...
On Sunday, March 30, at 4:30 p.m. at St. John’s in the Mountains Episcopal Church, Dr. Michael Atkinson will again lead our service. He has titled his talk, “Finally — ...
Author, Speaker, Illustrator, Mythologist In India, we find two types of weddings: the lavish and the simple. Lavish weddings ...
Unprecedented wildfires ripping through South Korea’s southern regions have destroyed large parts of an ancient Buddhist ...
When a father becomes a gambler and his obligation to his family takes the secondary place in his mind, he is no longer a man ...
Back in the early days of Facebook an acquaintance of mine, a New Age type prone to making statements on the site such as “my ...