C3 plants were exterminated before C4 plants: 0.5 billion years (scenario 1) at a CO 2 concentration level of 150 ppm, compared to 0.8 Gyr (scenario 2) for C3 plants, and 1.2 Gyr compared to 1.8 ...
Cross sections of C3 rice (left) and C4 sorghum (right) shoots. Both grain crops evolved from a common ancestor, but sorghum evolved to photosynthesize more efficiently.
To harness the power of the sun and make sugars for energy storage, plants use photosynthesis. But some plants are more efficient at it than others. For the first time, researchers have identified ...
SAN DIEGO — Plants thrive on photosynthesis, which is essential to their growth and development. New research is showing how an alternative form of photosynthesis could produce more productive ...