After watching their teacher meticulously draw the alphabet in cursive on a whiteboard, students in Patricia Durelli’s fourth ...
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce recently updated its five-year-old guidance for school districts that want to teach handwriting and cursive. Some districts in Northeast Ohio are ...
Once a standard in elementary schools, cursive is no longer taught to all students. A Maine lawmaker would like to change that. After watching her teacher trace the downward and upward curves of a ...
And even some elementary school teachers confess they don’t know how to write in cursive. This might sound like the handwriting apocalypse doomsayers have warned of for generations. But it’s ...
The National Archives is actively recruiting people who know how to read cursive. There are millions of historical documents that need to be transcribed. Getting people to volunteer has turned out ...
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce recently updated its five-year-old guidance for school districts that want to teach handwriting and cursive. Some districts in Northeast Ohio are ...