Sherazad Jasum from women’s rights group, Zenobia Women’s Assembly, told how “ISIS ended the role of women in society” during ...
I was diagnosed with acute hearing loss at 7 weeks old at the Nottingham City Hospital, in England, and was one of the first ...
New York’s Eartheater and London’s Shygirl make perfect sense as collaborators. They both use big, sweeping club-pop sounds ...
You might think you don’t need a hearing aid, and you might be right. But in general, hearing loss eventually comes to all of ...
Written and produced by deaf creator William Mager, Series Mania premiere “Reunion” never leaves its lead’s side. “I’ve seen ...
Svoboda picked a good position to transition to. He lives with John Michael Gyllenborg, who’s the No. 1 tight end on the ...
Wow, I can't believe 13 years ago our lives were forever changed and forever blessed with the film adaptation The Hunger ...
When Michael Jordan famously left his brilliant NBA career to attempt to play professional baseball, most everyone heard the ...
Stephanie Beacham fears she will get Alzheimer's due to her hearing loss. The actress, who starred in the USA's Dynasty, ...
Actress Stephanie Beacham is considered she will contract Alzheimer's disease because she suffers from hearing loss, which ...
I hope that we can help to rebuild the trust between our government and the people and show them we are listening ... that ...
Knowing the psychology behind what causes us to trust can help us avoid falling into the traps of naivete and victimhood.