Since the publication of WHO guidance in 1998, policymakers around the world have sought to include health promotion within education, with schools in many countries now taking a Health ...
At Ball State University,  a team of students are in the process of creating a children's book that focuses on social and ...
Meeting a birth parent is a moment that includes many positive and negative emotions. For some, it’s the chance to fill in ...
Throughout messages, individuals made a girl feel like she owed them – it was how they controlled her while offering ...
Actually, never feeling validated as a child can actually have long-term effects. "Validation is foundational to developing ...
Researchers developed and tested eaSEL (educational activities for social-emotional learning) for children aged 5-8. This ...
The rising trend of youths' disconnection from relatives' networks represents a profound transformation in Chinese society — ...
Here are three ways to avoid the Romeo and Juliet effect when dealing with young love.
Breaking free from people-pleasing starts with recognizing that your worth isn’t tied to how much you do for others. Start ...
Emmerdale fans are convinced they know who the father of April Windsor's baby is after the character's tragic stillbirth.
A mother is far more than just a title—she personifies love, strength, sacrifice, and resilience. She is the first connection ...
Kate Middleton took on the role of a teacher as she warmly engaged with children during an interactive school trip to the ...