This video dives deep into some of the most famous paradoxes and thought experiments designed to challenge our logic and ...
The most famous of all probability paradoxes is the St. Petersburg paradox, first set forth in a paper by the famous mathematician Daniel Bernoulli before the St. Petersburg Academy. Suppose I ...
One of the most famous paradoxes ever, the grandfather paradox, cautions against making changes that could break the timeline if you were to ever travel back in time. But, according to one ...
We can call this self-referential. A famous example of a philosophical paradox is Theseus' ship. Theseus' ship is kept in a harbour. As the pieces of the wooden ship decay they are replaced by new ...
There exists a famous paradox involving a Cretan who claims, “Cretans always lie.” If we assume this statement to be true, it implies that the speaker, being a Cretan, must also always lie.