In New York State there are not one, but two species of flying squirrel. The northern flying squirrel can generally be found ...
Forget black limos. The wealthy are commuting to work by helicopter. Meanwhile, noise complaints have jumped 678%.
Coming in first, Californians have recorded a staggering 36,286 reported UFO sightings since 1974. This makes it officially ...
The new F-47 will succeed the F-35, long heralded for its superior stealth capabilities. In its Navy variant, the F-35 was ...
A Southwest Airlines flight nearly took off from a Florida taxiway on Thursday before an air traffic controller stopped the ...
Is the F.A.A. really ensuring safety by disqualifying pilots who receive a diagnosis or treatment? Troy Merritt, a pilot, ...
The latest aviation incident in the US fortunately caused no injuries: A Delta Air Lines plane that took off from ...
The beleaguered federal workforce, including at DOT, is bracing for wide-scale layoffs — and what will happen next with ...
According to aviation industry journal The Air Current, the front-runner for the high-pressure role is Bryan Bedford, head ...
The Federal Aviation Administration has imposed permanent restrictions on non-essential helicopter operations around the ...