Look, March isn’t the scariest month of the year. In fact, it’s probably in the top three least scary months, if we had to ...
An Taibhse comes from on-the-rise writer-director John Farrelly and is set during the tail end of the Great Famine.
Some horror movies have incredible writing, so good that it could be used to teach upcoming screenwriters how to weave ...
Telugu cinema has a long history of creating gripping horror movies that deftly combine mythology, psychological suspense, ...
From 'Rope' to 'In A Violent Nature', these are 10 films to watch if you loved Steven Soderbergh's 'Presence'.
Get ready to sleep with one eye open because these horror anime series are about to creep under your skin and haunt your ...
A horror film from 2014 that has been branded 'criminally underrated' has left viewers unable to sleep after they stumbled ...
Housebound, which was released in 2014, has a near-perfect 97% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes - yet it remains criminally ...
It’s not a heavenly, Christian superhero film though. Rather, it’s a lurid tale that combines the most striking elements of ...
This New Zealand horror film has been dubbed an "underrated masterpiece", much loved by fans of the genre for its originality ...
They are the first ones to conduct a paranormal investigation inside the actual house where the horror movie was filmed and ...
For the American star, 56, this is part of a mini career resurgence after several years of low-profile roles. Read more at ...