It has only been five weeks and 10 episodes, but "The Witch" is already over. While we'll miss watching Roh Jeong Eui and ...
Elizabeth Olsen reflects on the prospects of returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch.
Willow Winsham's new book on witches, past and present, offers a fun, fast, well researched historical summary that is also a ...
The Children's Museum dinosaurs love to play dress up when special events are happening in the city. Here's what we've seen ...
If you’re well and truly panicking because you haven’t got a World Book Day costume, we’re here to tell you to make a cuppa, put your feet up and have a scroll. While plenty of schools encourage kids ...
From the humble toilet paper-covered Mr Bump to the elaborate Wonka ensemble, with World Book Day just around the corner, find out the best ways to improvise a costume for your youngster ...
Likewise, emulating the book or 2005 film version of Veruca Salt is easy – just look for any glitzy party outfit your little ...
Dracula - Got costumes left over from Halloween? It matters not if the ... This would work for Funny Bones or Disney's Coco. A witch costume is ideal for Room on the Broom and Wizard of Oz ...
Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter is available now from £3.50. Buy three and you get three free. Have you got an old Halloween witch costume gathering dust somewhere? Reuse the pointy hat, cloak and ...
Use black tracksuit bottoms and white T-shirt, with a black cardigan (and white gloves if you have them). Make a red bow out of ribbon and construct a mini top hat if you can. Paint your child’s face ...