A ntarctica isn’t a floating chunk of ice like the Arctic. Beneath its frozen surface sits a solid continent of mountains, ...
Bedmap3 is the most fine-grain map to date of the landscape beneath Antarctica's ice. Scientists created it using more than ...
Antarctica is hiding mountains and canyons under its ice sheet, a new map of the landscape underneath has revealed. Assembled ...
Chad Greene was snapping a stunning photo of the vast Greenland Ice Sheet when his plane’s radar detected the remnants of Camp Century. “We were looking for the bed of the ice, and out pops ...
Scientists have uncovered a surprising feature of polar bear fur: a natural oil that prevents ice accumulation. Unlike penguins, which rely on feather structure, polar bears benefit from a ...
Black ice forms when water freezes without air bubbles or impurities, making it nearly impossible to spot. Unlike snow, which has a white appearance, or regular ice, which may look cloudy, black ice ...
In the west, the glaciers feeding Wordie Ice Shelf (1.3-cm SLE) lost 1 to 2 Gt/y in 1979–2003, increasing to 8 Gt/y in 2017, with speed-up detected over the entire drainage. The mass loss for Wilkins ...
“Antarctic Bedmap data: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) sharing of 60 years of ice bed, surface and thickness data” by Frémand, A.C. et al. is published in Earth ...