Polling indicates that many of the people who cast votes for the current president did so because they were concerned about the American economy, including inflation, the rise in housing costs and ...
In the absence of actual town halls, Indivisible NE Indiana invited constituents to ask questions of empty chairs ...
Members of two national political protest organizations, 50501 and Indivisible, joined forces with hundreds of residents of ...
EVERETT — Snohomish County’s Indivisible chapter, a progressive action group, has seen a tremendous uptick in new membership since January as the group organizes rallies and events in response ...
Allegations of astroturfing are making the rounds on X, prompting people to question whether a rally was as “grassroots” as ...
So, she got her hands on the Indivisible guidebook and created a local chapter. During the first term, the group was fairly small, she said, with a steady group of 10 to 15 members.
RAPID CITY, S.D. – A movement is growing across the country, as a large number of protests have been seen in opposition to ...
Indivisible's local numbers are growing every day, Levin said. And each month exceeds how many people joined in the first months of Trump's first term in 2017, he said. “More and more people are ...
A mock town hall took over Penn Square in downtown Lancaster Saturday to protest the Trump administration and to criticize Republican Rep. Lloyd Smucker.
Spokane Indivisible members were aware that the town ... “No, there was no organized effort to sell or scalp or ask for huge numbers of tickets to pack the hall,” but rather people took ...
BUT WHEN WE JOIN TOGETHER, OUR NUMBERS SPEAK LOUDLY ... The event is the latest protest-style organizing put on by Indivisible MT — a branch of the national progressive organization Indivisible.