Dallas Stars pelasi suomalaispelaajiensa johdolla väkevän ottelun torstaina Calgaryssa. Paikallinen Flames kukistui maalein 5 ...
Jari Mennala has been appointed as the new CEO of Tana Oy, effective May 5th. Jari brings extensive experience in the heavy equipment industry from John Deere. Throughout his career, Jari has ...
Europeans excel at ice hockey due to their cold climate upbringing. Nearly 50% of NHL’s new players in 2019-2020 were Europeans, from countries like Sweden, Russia, and Finland. Key players such as ...
A Kenyan family is reeling from a double tragedy after losing two children in less than a year Sheila Jeptum, who died in a road accident in Australia last year, has now been followed in death by her ...
Kohuttu Patrick Itäniemi sössi kokoomusnuorten talousasiat – joutui eroamaan puheenjohtajan paikalta! Suvi Pitkäsen kunto herätti huolta lentoasemalla Nyt puhuu Juha Veijonen Häjyjen jatko-osasta!
Sachs answered: ”Let me just report one aspect about Finlandization. Finlandization landed Finland number one in the World Happiness Report year after year. Finland is rich, successful, happy, and ...
Helsingin poliisin ylikomisario Jari Taponen on eronnut poliisista 30 vuoden uran jälkeen, Hufvudstadsbladet kertoo. Some-poliisina tunnettu Taponen kertoo irtisanoutuneensa arvoristiriidan takia. – ...
Moneen kertaan palkittu ylikomisario Jari Taponen on eronnut tehtävästään Helsingin poliisista. 30 vuotta poliisina työskennellyt Taponen kertoo Hufvudstadsbladetille (HBL), että päätöksen taustalla ...
Queen Mary debuted two historical royal jewels as she wowed at the gala dinner during the Finland state visit. The Danish Queen chose to wear Queen Caroline Amalie's gold diadem with antique ...
HELSINKI, March 4 (Reuters) - Finland's security and intelligence service Supo is closely watching how U.S. intelligence positions itself towards Russia under the Trump administration, Supo's ...
Luana Rigolli Supported by By Michael Snyder Photographs by Luana Rigolli ON A WARM September afternoon in subarctic Finland, the architect Laura Mattila kneels in the grass beside a sauna that ...
Join the NHL in celebrating the game of hockey at Hockey Day in Finland! This special event ... Esa Tikkanen, Jari Kurri, Teppo Numminen, and more. 🔹 Photo opportunities with the oldest and ...