Lego is the unmatched leader in the construction category, but two new bricks brands are aiming for a piece of its market ...
Jazwares is celebrating the third-annual Squismallows Day by announcing the largest single Squismallows donation of all time.
Jazwares actually offered plush Squishmallow versions of Buffett and the late Charlie Munger at Berkshire’s annual meeting last spring — and they were a hit with shareholders who were willing ...
Squishmallows Original "The Wizard of Oz" 10-Inch The Wicked Witch of the West Plush – Ultrasoft Official Jazwares Plush ...
McDonald's partnered with Jazwares and Universal Music Group to ... according to the company. The plush goodies will will be available nationwide for a limited time, while supplies last.
Jazwares will hold global master rights to produce figures, toy vehicles, dolls, plush, playsets, musical instruments and Squishmallows inspired by the world of Yo Gabba Gabba!, including the ...
Jazwares to Debut Toys, Plush, & Costumes Based on the cultural phenomenon Yo Gabba Gabba!, Including the Original Series and Re-imagined, Yo Gabba GabbaLand! Series We apologize, but this video has ...
To celebrate the third-annual Squishmallows Day on Friday, March 7, Jazwares Cares, the philanthropic arm of global toy ...
Paying it forward to all its fans, more than 500,000 loveable, huggable Squishmallows plush will be distributed through children’s hospitals, Title I schools, and Jazwares Cares’ non-profit ...