By Kathy Berken On Deck How do Lent’s 40 days of penance and charity, culminating in the Triduum — Holy ...Read More ...
The rebellion of humanity is healed by the faithfulness of Jesus Christ, the new Adam and the new Israel, and such fidelity is a precursor of the Lord’s Paschal mystery, his passion, death and ...
He is thus revealed as the true Paschal lamb ... Nicodemus, to whom Jesus had proclaimed the mystery of rebirth by water and the Spirit. Even in the Sanhedrin, which decreed his death, there ...
The Paschal Mystery teaches Catholics that living ... times when they struggle and are in pain but that, if they follow Jesus’ teachings and have faith, they will reach Heaven.
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, the commemoration of Jesus' final entrance into Jerusalem ... day unfolding for us the unity of Christ's Paschal Mystery," says the USCCB.