Some anime characters, like Jon Snow in Game of Thrones, have blatant plot armor, surviving against all odds—but their ...
While anime has some amazing main characters, there are 7 anime side characters that stand out as being too important to ...
The Powerpuff Girls have made quite a few headlines recently, whether thanks to the live-action adaptation leak that hit the ...
A ny action anime series will need some cool and strong villains to threaten the world and challenge the heroes. Weak, ...
All told, there's a clutch of exciting new anime news on the way alongside JoJo Day. AnimeJapan, a key event in the industry, ...
H eroes are an important part of any anime series, but it's the villains that really keep the audience hooked. Villains, in a ...
Confirmed by Shonen Jump, Rohan will return next month in the twelfth chapter of the spin-off titled, “Bruschetta.” While the ...
Jolyne Cujoh is an icon in the anime community but Jojo's Bizarre Adventure could've had its first female Stand user all the ...
The yearly comic convention caters to a wide-range of pop cultural interests. Here's what to know about Indiana Comic Con in ...
I n some anime series where physical combat prowess means everything, the girls and women may end up totally sidelined, such as anime like Tokyo Revengers or Dragon Ball Z. In tho ...
In anime, overpowered characters are nothing new. However, characters who rise to become unbelievably powerful despite their ...
Some shonen heroes fight with brains over brawn, using strategy to outthink foes and complement their stronger allies.