Jimmy Page, the guitar mastermind behind Led Zeppelin, is often celebrated for his pioneering riffs and iconic solos. But even a legend like Page has his heroes - some widely known and others less ...
Kasai oli 45:s sunnuntaina ja jätti taakseen esimerkiksi 21-vuotiaan suomalaisen Kasperi Valton. Kasai kertoi Puolan Eurosportille rakastavansa yhä mäkihyppyä, eikä siksi halua lopettaa. Hän pääsi ...
EDMONTON -- Tournaments like this bring out camaraderie. Given the nature of their rivalry against the Toronto Maple Leafs, it might be strange for Oilers fans to see Mitch Marner dance on the ice ...
Kokoomuksen Ville Väyrynen sanoo liiton uhraavan eettiset periaatteensa poliittisista syistä. MAINOS (artikkeli jatkuu alla) Kokoomuksen kansanedustaja, kirurgi Ville Väyrynen hämmästelee Suomen ...
Former Eagles guitarist Don Felder was rushed for medical treatment after suffering an emergency during a performance on Thursday evening. The 77-year-old musician was playing the band's hit song ...
Andy Taylor is known for being the lead guitarist in Duran Duran GETTY Speaking about his lowest point, Taylor revealed it came six weeks after his diagnosis. "You're gonna have to say goodbye to your ...