The Netflix hit has touched off debates about smartphone use by children and, in Britain, fed into calls for a social media ...
Our stress levels are exacerbated with the anniversary of the onset of COVID, a time filled with unknowns. Olympia Therapy ...
Yondr makes a locking pouch that for years has been used at entertainment events to sequester cellphones and now is being ...
LET’S UNPACK THAT: As evidence mounts that devices are sparking a mental health crisis in young people, ‘Adolescence’ writer ...
Harrowing Netflix series Adolescence has shone a terrifying light on the dangers facing young people today. It’s become a ...
Adolescence” co-creator Jack Thorne speaks about his journey into darker corners of the internet, young male rage and what he ...
RELATED: 11 Old-Fashioned Things Good Parents Never Regret Fighting With Their Kids About Just like adults, kids love to see ...
Sure, kids may not be able to prepare breakfast in bed. But they can still make their mothers smile with some of these Mother ...
Experts recommend waiting until at least age 12 for a child's first smartphone while setting boundaries for screen time and ...
I wasn't ready to get my 10-year-old a smartphone, but a flip phone has been a great compromise. It has made our lives so much easier.
“We don’t have phones,” she added ... Suleman and 11 of her 14 kids live in Orange County, Calif in a three-bedroom apartment. In their free time, the family partakes in games, time ...
Follow the San Francisco native, Black Barbie collector and proud mom of two on Instagram and Twitter @janinerube To raise 14 kids on her own. Natalie 'Nadya' Suleman says she's had to run a very ...