Rachmaninoff wanted to recreate the world as it once was. He was the last of the great Romantic composers. Fortunately, there are still pianists and conductors and listeners and critics such as Fiona ...
History has shown that the Russian people can overcome any challenge if they are united. We are not afraid of difficulties; ...
Georgy Zhukov was Stalin’s top general. During World War II, he led the Red Army from victory to victory, but when peace ...
In reality, Lenin was being deceitful. The starving people of the Volga region, Kazakhstan, and especially southern Ukraine ...
A military court in St Petersburg jailed Soviet-era dissident and anti-war activist Alexander Skobov for 16 years on Friday after convicting him of "justifying terrorism," the Prosecutor General's ...
Vladislav Sourkov, arguably Russia's most mysterious figure, has remained silent. Yet the man who 'made' Vladimir Putin, the ...
Challenge BJP and RSS ideology with Left politics, socialism, and gender equality for exploitation-free society, says U.
the Soviet Union abandoned its crusades in Afghanistan and Eastern Europe. Gorbachev cited Soviet hero Vladimir Lenin’s “pragmatism” as justification for his drastic move. “That called ...
Boris Kagarlitsky's The Long Retreat provides a necessary Marxist analysis of the Soviet tragedy, says Walden Bello ...
and Lenin posters plastered everywhere. Young Vika stands with her back to her father, holding a red balloon. She stares at her future self, a woman covering the grassroots protests of 2012. “Our Post ...
The PSL is a communist party that derives its ideology from Karl Marx and Lenin’s theories and is affiliated with the leftist Peoples’ Assembly, which has headquarters in San Francisco and Washington, ...
While Germany attempts to form its new government, only four of its political parties will have the chance become part of a new ruling coalition. The far- ...