A free-diving spearfisherman was suddenly rendered helpless after an unnerving incident with a sea lion off San Diego.
The offseason came too soon for the Ogilvie girls basketball team, after a sudden and shocking loss to Swanville last ...
In a press conference on Thursday, the deputy premier lambasted the party for releasing its costings just 48 hours out from the state election — given more than 380,000 people have already cast their ...
Mad About the Boy added £4.1m on its third session for Universal – a 40% drop, that brought it to just shy of £36m. It will ...
A young boy who died in a horrific dog attack in rural NSW has sparked an inquest into what needs to change. Here’s what the court found. However, there have also been over 16,783 known dog ...
Patricia Marie Burt died Tuesday, one day after the attack in her next-door neighbor's yard in a rural area southeast of Beulah, an unincorporated community near the Georgia state line.
Kane Minion was working as a meter reader for Energy Queensland was mauled to death by dogs in 2022. Energy Queensland mandated a "no entry" policy for workers visiting properties with dogs that ...
Jyedon Pollard, 2, was mauled to death by a rottweiler and a red heeler cross at a motel in Cowra on November 8, 2022. An inquest conducted at the NSW Coroner’s Court was told on Wednesday about ...
A look at how various models see Kansas finishing this season Bill Self has a clear response for those wondering if this could be his last year Other News Christianity's numbers in the US had been ...
The number of new HIV cases in Manitoba's Swan Valley region has soared, prompting health officials to implement an outbreak-like response to control the situation. Since October of last year ...
Jyedon Pollard was just two-years-old when he was mauled to death by two dogs in central-west NSW on November 8, 2022. The toddler likely died from injuries inflicted by a Rottweiler that lived at ...