The entertainment industry was shell-shocked by the loss, and Cline's family and friends were left devastated, Lynn included.
with his friends, playing three shows to raise money for the family of a disc jockey named Jack Call, who had died in a car ...
This week, those who know the long-time Chaska family are reeling from news of the tragedy. “I am still in shock at the news,” said Tracy Goembel, a former coworker of Cline’s.
Patsy Cline was one of the fastest rising stars in ... Cline had been in Kansas City to perform at a benefit for the family of DJ Jack "Cactus" Call, who had died in a car crash that January.
It happened too fast, Patsy Cline’s life. It was over in a flash. She died in a plane crash at age 30. The performance of ...
Stage play “Always...Patsy Cline” presented by Peachtree Players. When: Show opens 7:30 p.m. March 21. Additional ...
and numerous others to celebrate the singer’s life during the Patsy Cline: Walkin’ After Midnight special. Featuring performance, interviews, and a glimpse into Cline’s life, her daughter ...
with his friends, playing three shows to raise money for the family of a disc jockey named Jack Call, who had died in a car wreck. For $1.50, people could see and hear Copas, Patsy Cline ...