Trump seeks to emulate JFK’s Camelot. But bending American culture to his will might not be as easy as he thinks.
They say an old man is twice a child,” Rosencrantz remarks in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, as he and the prince of Denmark observe Polonius. It’s a borrowed line, dating back to antiquity: Sophocles wrote, ...
The title role in Shakespeare’s enduring tragedy Hamlet is on the bucket list for many actors wishing to challenge their ...
Starring Stephen Graham and Ashley Walters, the four-part drama follows the unflinching story of a 13-year-old boy named Jamie Miller, who is accused of murdering a girl at his school. Jamie ...
Shakespeare can be a little overwhelming, but The Vortex Theatre is presenting it in a way that more approachable and without losing the essential story of Hamlet. A second production, Rosencrantz ...
That’s the horror story of it ... [and] killing Polonius,” Gunderson says. A Room in the Castle creates a space for these women to try and make sense of Hamlet’s seemingly crazed behavior ...
Shakespeare isn’t the only artist inspired by the tale of Hamlet. The Danish prince served ... Giuliana Musso’s “Dentro (Inside). A True Story, If You Think So.” Musso is one of Italy ...
David Tennant, renowned for his portrayal of Hamlet in 2008, has expressed interest in playing another iconic character from the play — Yorick, the jester whose skull is dug up. The Scottish ...
“The Tragedy of Hamlet: Prince of Denmark,” which debuted last April in Toronto, is a well-danced, well-acted, surprisingly successful attempt to tell the story of the Bard’s most famous ...
“Traditionally, Hamlet is played by an iconic actor ... (Some interviews for this story were conducted via email to assist with language translations.) The resulting text combines Shakespeare ...