You can select a condolence prayer for a friend who has lost their father from this compilation: The loss of a mother can ...
And let them see You face to face in the breaking of the Eucharistic bread. We pray to You, O Lord, through Mary the mother of all priests, for Your priests and for ours. Amen.
Daughter and handmaid of the heavenly Father, the almighty King, Mother of our most high Lord Jesus Christ, and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for us to your most holy Son, our Lord and Master.
[sic] Kate is seen singing alongside her mother in one ... Watching you and your mom together had me tearing up - beautiful people." A third also typed: "Many many prayers for you sweet momma." ...
A mother showed compassion to her son's killers ... the judge allowed her some leeway to speak directly to Thompson and West. "I pray for your souls. I pray for you every day.