The pilots of a Boeing 737 started to mistakenly take off from a taxiway at a Florida airport on Thursday before an air ...
The deal is a boost for the jet maker’s money-losing defense business.
Moran, an L.A.-based pilot, flies to his clients to deliver diamond engagement rings and fine jewelry, sometimes just in time ...
Your wealthy in-laws recently took a private jet touring around India, so how about chartering a plane to some far-away ...
The National Transportation Safety Board has released its preliminary report on the near-miss at Midway Airport on Tuesday, ...
We flew on Bombardier's Global 7500 from San Luis Obispo, California, to London, England, to set the jet's 100th city-pair ...
The NTSB has released its preliminary findings on a near collision between a Southwest plane and a private jet at Chicago's ...
The close call between a Southwest Airlines plan and a private business jet at Chicago Midway Airport was at least partially ...
Washington, Colorado, Philadelphia and Pennsylvania have all been scenes of terryifing accidents and emergencies that has led ...
A terrifying scene in the skies over China's Hainan Province on March 16: dramatic footage captured a Chinese J-15 fighter ...