And Val serves at the pleasure of the President. This brings us to the Red Hulk concept art that leaked online. Various leakers known for their MCU claims have shared versions of the image.
Written by BENJAMIN PERCY Art and cover by GEOFF SHAW Variants ... MCU fans may be able to get their picture taken with the Red Hulk when they head to the theater next month to see Captain America ...
Geoff Shaw, Bryan Valenza, and VC’s Cory Petit make for a formidable trio on art. The big epic action ... at placing readers inside the head of Ross/Red Hulk, showing how his strategic mind ...
In practice, "Hulk" is more of a dumb schlocky beat-em-up; McGuinness' art, with his muscular character designs and splash pages, at least works for the latter. But if you aren't sold on the Red ...
The former military general transforms into the Red ... Hulk." Toward the end of that film, a drop of Bruce Banner's (Edward Norton) irradiated blood splashes into Sterns' head wound and causes ...