Eric and Wendy Schmidt and the Sorbonne will fund a new program to digitize Delacroix’s papers and identify other artists who ...
Nick Finch is leading the Derby City Chamber Music Festival in a spring concert focused on music of the late-romantic era — think late-19th and early ... Wagner's ambitious operas encompassing all art ...
Join the more than 300 readers who make monthly contributions to The Eastsider.. Even a small monthly contribution will create a more stable source of revenue, giving us confidence to expand staff and ...
That was the case when Art Garfunkel made his first solo album ... How ironic that “All I Know,” one of the most moving love songs of its era, originated from a failed attempt at courtship.
Contemporary art continues to evolve, challenging traditional notions of creativity and expression. Artists worldwide are experimenting with new materials, digital platforms, and social themes to ...
The Romantic period was a world of emotion and nature. Artists were strongly involved in exploring the boundless possibilities of imagination and creating pieces that were more personal to them. This ...
I run LAS Art Foundation, a non-profit organisation based ... and open up the imaginative and technical possibilities for artists. A quantum era is coming: what will it mean for you?
It could be said that a large percentage, since these narrative and artistic expressions originating ... to you about a jewel in the industry, Blue Period, also known under its title in Spanish ...