Yvonne Chapman will recur as Amanda McCoy, one of the only characters who has figured out Superman's real identity in the comics.
There's no denying that Jason Isaacs plays a great villain. From the Grand Inquisitor in Star Wars Rebels to General Zhao in ...
However. There are a lot of reasons to be optimistic, as this year alone will include many big names that could all become massive hits, including Superman, Avatar: Fire and Ash, a new Jurassic ...
Research participants who had played a 5-minute computer game using a Superman avatar were subsequently kinder to other people, and those who had played as the evil Voldemort were less kind ...
The first story details for Avatar: Seven Havens tease that the next Avatar will be an Earthbender as next in the line, and will be set in a world torn apart by a cataclysm. It’s also teased ...
What Is Avatar: Seven Havens About? Per an official press release from Avatar Studios, Avatar: Seven Havens will follow the next Avatar after Korra. For those who haven’t yet done the mental ...