ECB is already considering a central bank digital currency known as the digital Euro.Blockchain technology could feature ...
However, recent comments by ECB President Christine Lagarde are making waves. In her statement, Lagarde rejected the idea of incorporating Bitcoin into the European reserves, listing factors like ...
The CNB said the bank would consider creating a Bitcoin test portfolio to "learn about and try out this highly risky ...
Aleš Michl, has called on central banks to study Bitcoin rather than condemn it, noting that they could greatly benefit from ...
Within the first week of his inauguration, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that included a directive to ...
Czech National Bank Governor Aleš Michl on Wednesday emphasized the importance of understanding Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC), ...
Poland's central bank has ruled out adding Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) to its reserves, with Governor Adam Glapiński stating that the National Bank of Poland (NBP) will not consider holding the ...
(Bloomberg) -- European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde predicted that no European Union country will choose to add Bitcoin to its monetary reserves. Responding to comments by her Czech ...
Investopedia / Lara Antal Christine Lagarde is a French lawyer and politician who has served as the first woman president of the European Central Bank (ECB) since 2019. She was also the first woman to ...
As recently as the European Central Bank’s (ECB) monthly monetary policy meeting on Thursday, President Christine Lagarde said she was “confident” that Bitcoin “will not enter the reserves ...
European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde hinted that the path for ... for further monetary easing and the dismissal of Bitcoin as a reserve asset on the ECB's balance sheet.