The Incredible Hulk came out in the summer of 2008, the same year as Iron Man. But the Green Goliath didn’t make the same box ...
Brave New World, Harrison Ford's Thunderbolt Ross gets a big red upgrade as Red Hulk. Here's how he gets there.
Towards the end of The Incredible Hulk, supporting character Samuel Sterns (Tim Blake Nelson) is knocked against a table holding vials of Bruce Banner’s enhanced blood. Droplets of this liquid fall ...
He does seemingly tease that Torres could be joining the Avengers in the future after Captain America: Brave New World in the ending scene. Wilson knows he will need Torres' help in the future, and ...
Game Rant's Editor-In-Chief, Anthony Taormina, gives his live impressions on the latest showings from Sony and PlayStation. Fallout 4 is nearing its 10 Year anniversary and there are many reasons ...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed. Find your next game ...