ICE announced information about only one Berkshire County arrest last week. It has left the community, and The Eagle, with ...
Transferring people in ICE custody is common, advocates say, and legal representation isn't guaranteed to detainees.
Tom Homan said many of those arrested as part of ICE’s “enhanced operation” in Greater Boston recently were “collateral ...
While ICE said 205 of the 370 people detained during recent raids in Massachusetts had been charged with crimes, President ...
We targeted the most dangerous alien offenders in some of the most crime-infested neighborhoods,' ICE official Patricia Hyde ...
ICE Boston and federal law enforcement partners report that they took close to 400 “alien offenders” off the streets last ...
Painting this picture of immigrants as criminals and that they are only deporting criminals is so far from the truth that we’re seeing.” ...
The Denver ICE office’s recent posts on social media, however, have provided a glimpse into more than a dozen recent arrests of immigrants without proper legal status. The promoted arrests ...
Columbia graduate detained by ICE A senior ICE official told ABC News that among the more than 32,000 arrested in the first 50 days of the Trump administration, there were more than 14,000 ...
With President Trump back in office, ICE has made 32,000 arrests in the first 50 days of the new administration — and 70% are either facing charges or have been convicted of crimes, senior ...
Multiple federal law enforcement agencies worked together to arrest illegal immigrants present on Nantucket, including one who has previously been charged with kidnapping.
Multiple federal law enforcement agencies worked together to arrest illegal immigrants present on Nantucket, including one who has previously been charged with kidnapping. “Agents on Cape Cod are ...