The Cathedral of Manus Metyr in Elden Ring plays an important role as this place allows you to start Count Ymir’s Questline. This cathedral is also home to the Finger Ruin of Miyr, which plays ...
The O Mother Gesture in Elden Ring can only be obtained by traveling to the Bonny Village area in Scadu Altus. To reach this ...
The Family Heads in Elden Ring is a unique weapon known for the physical and magic damage it deals to enemies. It is called Family Heads because its creator, Necromancer Garris, has used replica ...
In Elden Ring, Sacred Blade is an Ash of War best wielded by Holy and Faith builds. This one comes equipped with Sacred Blade skill that allows players to fire Golden Blade projectiles with the ...
Pokemon Sun and Moon Eevee Guide to help you find the massively-popular Pokemon and evolve it into its 8 different forms. It goes without saying that Eevee in Pokemon games has always been one of ...
Crafting plays a big part in The Witcher 3, as you constantly need to improve your weapons, armor, and equipment in order to keep up with the challenging world. In order to craft improved versions ...
When you are set to venture into the World of Zelda, you will come across several ways Shrines, Armors, and treasure chests containing the best loot possible. The labyrinths are three locations ...
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare‘s multiplayer mode is filled with competition, and for those who wish to take complete control over the game for a smooth gaming experience, a dedicated server is ...
Just like the teddy bears in Tranzit and Die Rise, the Black Ops 2: Mob of the Dead zombie map includes a series of collectibles that are part of an Easter egg. However, instead of stuffed animals ...
Rockstar Games has implemented many moving parts in the world’s exploration system to ensure the world is always brimming with life. One of these is confronting strangers and participating in ...