Advanced undergraduate students enrolled in a degree program at UT Austin can apply to pursue the Creative Writing Certificate. At the graduate level, MFA degrees in creative writing are offered ...
Iranian Culture Desk is a series of informal meetings hosted by the Persian coordinator, Dr. Babak Tabarraee and the Iranian Studies faculty and graduate students. Each meeting loosely revolves around ...
The African and African Diaspora Studies (AADS) Department, in concert with the John L. Warfield Center for African and African American Studies, and the Institute for Urban Policy, Research, and ...
The Initiative for Digital Humanities (IDH) at the University of Texas Austin serves as a hub for integrating humanities and digital studies. It fosters collaboration and interdisciplinary work across ...
The Honor program in Asian Studies and Asian Cultures and Languages provide ambitious and focused students with an opportunity to do independent research in the form of a substantial thesis. All ...
"If you asked me 25 years ago what I wanted to be when I grew up, I’d tell you an archaeologist. I grew up in rural Pennsylvania...and nothing was more exciting to me than coming across old ...
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS is the study of borders: where they come from (conquest, secession, collapse), what crosses them (armies, money, people, ideas), and how they're governed (war, institutions, ...
POLITICAL THEORY studies and contributes to an old and ever-evolving dialogue about the normative principles that should guide political life on the basis of what humans can understand of the ultimate ...
PUBLIC LAW is the study of legal institutions and law from the perspective of political science. Since politics is about the authoritative allocation of values, law and legal institutions are central ...
PUBLIC POLICY is the study and analysis of the patterns of actions or inactions taken by governments, including national governments, state and local governments, and various government entities (such ...
COMPARATIVE POLITICS is the study of domestic politics in foreign countries in a comparative perspective. Substantively, domestic politics includes political institutions (e.g., legislatures, ...