この展示会では、広く知られることとなった杉原千畝日本領事の「命のビザ」の原点となり、キュラソー・ビザを生み出した人々に注目します。 その中心的存在でもあった、ヤン・ズワル ...
En la cuenca rural Tandil-General Lavalle se ejecuta el programa Gobernanza del Agua mediante un acuerdo de Cooperación entre las Autoridades del Agua de los Países Bajos y la Provincia de Buenos ...
オランダ大使館経済部は次のような業務を行っております。 ソシャ・ブロンフマン 二等書記官(オランダ語/英語) カロ ...
非荷兰公民前往荷兰做短期访问时,有可能需要申请申根签证。荷兰是欧洲26个申根国家之一,在申根国家之间旅行不受签证限制,各国统一签发申根签证。我们同时提供荷属加勒比地区的签证 ...
The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Nairobi has appointed Mr. Mohamed ‘Midnimo’ Osman as the Honorary Consul in Mogadishu. Midnimo, meaning 'solidarity,' will be the first-ever Honorary ...
2025年荷兰驻华大使馆在以下日期闭馆: 你可以在荷兰驻香港总领事馆的网站上查询其闭馆日。
Desde a promoção do comércio e investimento até à assistência a cidadãos neerlandeses no estrangeiro, os cônsules honorários são um elo vital entre os Países Baixos e você. Deste modo, eles permanecem ...
Angele Samura est entrée au ministère néerlandais des Affaires Etrangères en septembre 1998. Elle a été en poste à Pretoria (Afrique du Sud), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Tbilissi (Géorgie) et Jakarta ...
The Netherlands is one of the smallest countries in the European Union, but big in the agrifood and horticulture. Nearly half of the Netherlands’ surface area of 10.2 million acres is used for ...
The Holland on the Hill Freddy Heineken Award honors an entrepreneur who has made a substantial and positive contribution to the US-Dutch economic relationship, exemplifying the best of both worlds.
"A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought." This statement was first made in 1985 by the US and the USSR, and reaffirmed on 3 January 2022 by the 5 Nuclear Weapons States (P5) of the ...